Discover your health needs with online health assessments and regular health screenings at our partner clinics

    Online health assessments

    Specialist checkups

How healthy are you?

Up to 1,500 points. Start by knowing your current health and fitness levels.

Recommendation Prompt

How stressed are you?

Up to 500 points. Take the assessment to find out what triggers your stress levels.

Recommendation Prompt

How well are you eating?

Up to 500 points. Evaluate your eating habits to be more aware of your dietary choices.

Recommendation Prompt

How active are you?

Up to 500 points. Find out how physically active you are through this assessment.

Recommendation Prompt

How well are you sleeping?

Up to 500 points. Just how vital is a good night's sleep? Let's check it out.

Recommendation Prompt

Basic health screening

Up to 10,000 points. Identify your risk of chronic disease.

Recommendation Prompt

Advanced health screening

Up to 3,000 points. Get a deeper understanding of your health.

Recommendation Prompt


Up to 4,000 points. Get vaccinated against flu, cervical cancer, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.

Recommendation Prompt

Dental Assessment

1,000 points. Keep those pearly whites gleaming with a visit to the dentist.

Recommendation Prompt

Nutrition Assessment

1,000 points. Get quality nutrition advice and better plan your dietary choices.

Recommendation Prompt

Fitness Assessment

Up to 1,000 points. Begin your fitness regime by knowing your fitness level.

Recommendation Prompt