Claims Recovery

Protect your Policy Benefits with Claims Recovery

Are you covered under multiple insurance policies? With 71% of Singapore residents having an Integrated Shield Plan (IP)^ and many working adults also having health insurance coverage from their employers, it is not uncommon for us to be covered under multiple insurance plans.
Make the best of your AIA HealthShield Gold Max (HSG Max) Plan with Claims Recovery
If you have used your AIA HSG Max plan to pay for your hospital bill, you can make a claim from your company insurance which could help restore the benefits of your AIA HSG Max plan. This is known as Claims Recovery and is made possible with the last-payer status of Medisave-approved Integrated Shield Plans, including AIA HSG Max plan.
^ Source: LIA Statistics

Why seek Claims Recovery?

Begin your Claims Recovery process

While the process of Claims Recovery may differ based on your company's insurer, here are some standard steps for you to get started:
Step 1: Reach out to your Human Resource Department to better understand the necessary claim submission process and documents required.
Step 2: Obtain the necessary documents, which typically includes the following:
  • A copy of the claims settlement letter (which you can retrieve from the AIA+ app)
  • Final hospital bill
  • Inpatient Discharge Summary (IPDS) from the hospital
  • Completed medical claims form from your company's insurer
Step 3: Submit your claim together with the required documents to your company insurer.
If you have any questions, you can reach us at

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Claims Recovery support FAQs

As AIA HSG Max is a MediSave-approved Integrated Shield Plan with last-payer status, other insurers that cover the same claim are required to refund the amount paid out under AIA HSG Max.

A MediSave-approved Integrated Shield Plan is the last to pay for a medical claim after the other insurance plan(s) that cover the same claim have been utilised.

You could reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, as these costs may be covered by the other medical insurance plans that you have.
By recovering your claims, you can play your part in preserving the claim limits for future claims under AIA HSG Max and ensure that premiums continue to remain affordable. 
Receive S$200 token of appreciation when the claims recovery value from a single claim is S$1,500 or more; or S$100 token of appreciation when the claims recovery value from a single claim is S$250 or more. All decisions made by the Company in connection with the token of appreciation shall be final and binding.

There are a few documents that insurers usually need to assess a claim under your company insurance:
  • A copy of the claims settlement letter (which you can retrieve from the AIA+ app)
  • Final hospital bill
  • Inpatient Discharge Summary (IPDS) from the hospital
  • Completed medical claims form from your company's insurer
After getting these documents, submit them together to your company's insurer to complete the process*
After your company's insurer has assessed the claim and confirmed its eligibility, the claim amount could be reimbursed to your AIA HSG Max plan.
* It is advisable to check the process with your company's Human Resource Department as details of the claims process may differ among insurers.

Yes, we would recommend you claim from any other medical insurance plan that you may have. For assistance in making claims recovery, please reach out directly to your AIA Financial Services Consultant / Insurance Representative.

As policy terms and details vary between insurers, we encourage you to clarify the process with your company's Human Resource Department and make the claim directly with the respective insurer. Our team at AIA will do our best to assist you along the way.

A deductible is the amount you pay for covered healthcare services before you can claim for any benefit under your policy. For example, with a $2,000 deductible, you will pay the first $2,000 of covered services yourself. 
After you pay the deductible, you usually will need to pay the co-insurance / co-payment for the covered services before your insurance starts to pay. The amount covered by the insurance plan is subject to the co-insurance / co-payment percentage. 
Both deductibles and co-insurance / co-payment features help keep premiums affordable.
Receive up to S$200 token of appreciation*
when you make a Claim Recovery
* This token of appreciation only applies to the AIA HSG Max plan.
The token of appreciation amount given depends on claims recovery value. Refer to FAQs for more details.